

The Hochschule Karlsruhe

makes a big effort to offer her website in compliance to the legislation for accesssibility. This statement about accessibility is based on a certification of accessibility by the test laboratory of T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, that is accredited by DAkkS. The website is fully compatible with WCAG 2.1 Level AA and with BITV 2.0:2019. The requirements of accessibility are verified by HIS eG for every new version of this website.

In the following dialogues the accessibility will be continuously improved:

  • In the dialogue for study application paragraphs, header, breaks, lists, label, information texts and english texts are not implemented in an accessible way.
  • In the enrollment dialogue there exist nested tables. Some forms do not have labels, in one table the header is lacking. The focus of new content is on the wrong place. Users have no possibility to control their inputs in an overview before submitting them. Messages are partly not helpful. It is not efficciently possible to use the study planner with screenreader and keyboard.
  • In timetables the navigation with keyboards is difficult because of nested lists within lists. Hours are named before weekdays. In list view and in documents days are not displayed as headers. Some content is read out double.
  • The view of student grades can be very long, so that the use with screenreaders is inefficient.
  • Our site contains links to third-party websites. Parts of these websites may not be fully accessible. We have no influence whatsoever on the information on these websites.

This statement was updated on 2023-11-23.

User manual for accessibility
On this page you find closer information about operating this webseite with a screenreader and other help.
Plain Language

Here you receive informations about significant contents of this webpage.

You learn how to navigate on this webpage.

You can read the explanation of the accessibility statement in plain language.

Sign language
Here you receive in sign language informations about significant contents of this webpage, the navigation system and an explanation of the accessibility statement.

Feedback to accessibility

We would be pleased if you help us to improve accessibility and want to send us your feedback. Please contact the following address:

Hochschule Karlsruhe
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon Nr.: +49(0)721 925-0
Telefax Nr.: +49(0)721 925-2000


If there is a demand, you can contact the Schlichtungsstelle BGG and initiate an arbitration proceeding.